• Cybersecurity

Simple Tips and Tricks for Excellent Cybersecurity

Jon Erdmann Headshot

Jon Erdmann

Chief Information Technology Officer 

Typing into a laptop with a lock over the picture

Cybersecurity is important when it comes to protecting your accounts and information from being breached. We highly recommend using these four steps to decrease the chance of fraud happening to you.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Also known as two-factor authentication and two-step verification. Enabling MFA makes it twice as hard for fraudsters and criminals to access an online account.

Here are a few examples of MFA:

  • Extra PIN (Personal Identification Number)
  • Extra security question
  • Additional code via text, email, or call
  • Biometric (Face or Fingerprint ID)
  • Unique number generated by an authenticator app such as Duo Mobile and LastPass.

Do not share any MFA code you receive with someone else.

To set-up MFA on your digital banking account, please contact our Customer Service team today.

Password Manager

Password managers are a secure and easy way to store your login information for various sites and apps. They offer a built-in password generator that create long, randomized passwords that protect against hacking.

Benefits of a password manager:

  • Saves time
  • Creates randomized passwords
  • Works across multiple devices
  • Protects your identity
  • Alerts you when your password has been compromised
  • Some password managers even offer multi-factor authentication

Examples: LastPass, 1Password, and Keeper

Strong Passwords

No matter what accounts the passwords protect, all of your passwords should be created with three things in mind. Having a longer, complex password will make it harder to hack.

  • Length: The longer the better. Your password should be at least 12 characters long.
  • Unique: Each account should have its own unique password to avoid compromising more than one account. This means making a new password -  not changing the number at the end from a 3 to a 4.
  • Complex: Most passwords require it, but you should have a variety of upper-case and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters.

Banker's Tip: Do not use a password for your bank account that you've previously used. 

Software Updates

Always keep your software updated. These updates fix general software problems and provide new security patches where criminals might get in.

Banker's Tip: Keep an eye out for pop-ups when visiting a website, saying that your software is out-of-date. This is a quick and easy way for cyber-criminals to hack your computer once you click on the button or start downloading it.

Enforcing these simple tips and tricks for excellent cybersecurity will save you the stress of trying to recover your accounts and information if they are breached.